High Resolution Image - Digital Download with Copyright Release
Package X
Golden Meadows Photography charges a Professional Image Fee of $10.00, due to cover the cost for retouching your images as they are sent in for yearbook and class composite submission.
Photos will be taken as "Head and Shoulders" poses.
Senior Images will be available to view online in the "Private Account" section of the website after a two or 3 week upload period.
A Parent Email is required upon checkout to view the Seniors images.
Deadline to choose your Senior yearbook and composite image will be: October 1st. .
If you do not choose your image by the deadline date, then GOLDEN MEADOWS PHOTOGRAPHY WILL MAKE THE CHOICE to uphold SCHOOL DEADLINES.
Golden Meadows Photography is committed to delivering the utmost satisfaction of product and service to our clients and customers. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your order, please give us a call at 248-693-3303.
Thank you for shopping with Golden Meadows Photography!